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Farkas, J. & Schousboe, S. (2024). Facts, values, and the epistemic authority of journalism: How journalists use and define the terms fake news, junk news, misinformation, and disinformation. Nordicom Review, 45(1): 137-157. (Læs artikel / Udgivers hjemmeside).

Farkas, J. (2023). Fake News in Metajournalistic Discourse. Journalism Studies, 24(4): 423-441.  (Læs artikel / Udgivers hjemmeside).

Altay, S., Berriche, M., Heuer, H., Farkas, J., & Rathje, S. (2023). A survey of expert views on misinformation: Definitions, determinants, solutions, and future of the field. Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) Misinformation Review, 4(4). (Læs artikel / Udgivers hjemmeside).

Farkas, J. (2023). Discourse Analysis in Journalism Studies. Journalistica, 17(1): 1-5  (Læs artikel / Udgivers hjemmeside).

Farkas, J. (2023). News on Fake News: Logics of Media Discourses on Disinformation. Journal of Language and Politics. 22(1): 1–21.  (Læs pre-print / Udgivet artikel).

Matamoros-Fernández, A. & Farkas, J. (2021). Racism, Hate Speech, and Social Media: A Systematic Review and Critique. Television & New Media, 22(2): 205-224  (Læs artikel / Udgivers hjemmeside).

Farkas. J. & Neumayer, C. (2020). Mimicking news: How the credibility of an established tabloid is used when disseminating racism, Nordicom Review, 41(1)  (Læs artikel / Udgivers hjemmeside).

Bastos, M. & Farkas, J. (2019). Donald Trump is my President!” The Internet Research Agency Propaganda Machine, Social Media + Society, 5(3).  (Læs artikel / Udgivers hjemmeside).

Farkas, J. & Schou, J. (2018). Fake news as a floating signifier: Hegemony, antagonism and the politics of falsehood, Javnost – The Public, 25(3): 298-314  (Læs artikel / Udgivers hjemmeside).

Farkas, J., Schou, J., & Neumayer, C. (2018b). Platformed Antagonism: Racist discourses on fake Muslim Facebook pages<, Critical Discourse Studies, 15(5): 463-480 (Læs artikel / Udgivers hjemmeside).

Farkas, J., Schou, J., & Neumayer, C. (2018a). Cloaked Facebook Pages: Exploring Fake Islamist Propaganda in Social Media, New Media & Society, 20(5): 1850-1867 (Læs pre-print / Udgivers hjemmeside).

Farkas, J. & Schwartz, S. A. (2018). Please Like, Comment and Share our Campaign! How Social Media Managers for Danish Political Parties Perceive User-Generated Content. Nordicom Review, 39(2): 19-33  (Læs artikel / Udgivers hjemmeside).

Farkas, J. & Neumayer, C. (2017). Stop Fake Hate Profiles on Facebook’: Challenges for crowdsourced activism on social media, First Monday, 22(9) (Læs artikel / Udgivers hjemmeside).

Schou, J. & Farkas, J. (2016). Algorithms, Interfaces, and the Circulation of Information: Interrogating the Epistemological Challenges of Facebook. KOME − An International Journal of Pure Communication Inquiry, 4(1): 36-49. DOI: 10.17646/KOME.2016.13 (Læs artikel / Udgivers hjemmeside).

Schou, J., Farkas, J. & Hjelholt, M. (2015). The Double Conditioning of Political Participation: Grassroots Politics on Facebook. Conjunctions. Transdisciplinary Journal of Cultural Participation, 2(2): 29-47. DOI: 10.7146/tjcp.v2i2.22921 (Læs artikel / Udgivers hjemmeside).



Farkas, J. (2023). This is Not Real News: Discursive Struggles over Fake News, Journalism, and Democracy. Malmö University Press. (Læs afhandlingen)


Farkas, J. & Xia, Y. (2024). Troll: The Problem with Digital Tricksters and Monsters, In J. Farkas & M. Maloney (Eds.), Digital Media Metaphors: A Critical Introduction (pp. 140-152). Routledge. (Læs mere om kapitlet).

Farkas, J. & Maloney, M. (2024). Introduction: Why Digital Media Metaphors Matter, In J. Farkas & M. Maloney (Eds.), Digital Media Metaphors: A Critical Introduction (pp. 1-10). Routledge. (Læs pre-print / Udgivers hjemmeside).

Farkas, J. & Xia, Y. (2023). Unpacking Disinformation as Social Media Discourse, In M. KhosraviNik (Ed.), Social Media and Society: Integrating the Digital with the Social in Digital Discourse (pp.  107–126). John Benjamins Publishing Company (Læs pre-print / Udgivers hjemmeside).

Farkas, J. & Schou, J. (2020). Post-Truth Discourses and their Limits: A Democratic Crisis?, In G. Terzis, D. Kloza, E. Kużelewska & D. Trottier (Eds.), Disinformation and Digital Media as a Challenge for Democracy (pp. 103-126). Intersentia. DOI: 10.1017/9781839700422.008 (Læs pre-print / Udgivers hjemmeside).

Farkas, J. (2020). A Case Against the Post-Truth Era: Revisiting Mouffe’s Critique of Consensus-Based Democracy. In M. Zimdars & K. McLeod (Eds.), Fake news: Understanding Media and Misinformation in the Digital Age (pp. 45–53). MIT Press. (Læs pre-print / Udgivers hjemmeside).

Farkas, J. & Neumayer, C. (2020). Disguised propaganda from digital to social media. In J. Hunsinger, L. Klastrup & M. M. Allen (Eds.), Second International Handbook of Internet Research (pp. 707-723). Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-024-1555-1_33  (Læs pre-print / Udgivers hjemmeside).


Farkas, J. (2024). Tech-giganternes trussel mod det monitorerende demokrati. Magtudredningen 2.0 (Læs artikel / Udgivers hjemmeside).

Farkas, J. (2019). Disguised Propaganda On Social Media: Addressing Democratic Dangers And Solutions. Brown Journal of World Affairs, 25(1)  (Læs artikel / Udgivers hjemmeside).


Farkas, J. & Bastos, M. (2018). IRA Propaganda on Twitter: Stoking Antagonism and Tweeting Local News. Proceedings of the 9th Annual International Conference on Social Media and Society. DOI: 10.1145/3217804.3217929


Farkas, J. (2020). Book Review: Digital Citizenship in a Datafied Society by Arne Hintz, Lina Dencik & Karin Wahl-Jørgensen..Communications: The European Journal of Communication ResearchDOI: 10.1515/commun-2020-2086

Farkas, J. (2018). Book Review: The Ambivalent Internet: Mischief, Oddity, and Antagonism Online by Whitney Phillips and Ryan M. Milner. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. DOI: 10.1177/1077699018819432

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